Week 1:
FMP Presentation Feedback:
So I presented my FMP idea to my tutors on Wednesday, I liked how the presentation itself was very casual and it was not to much focused on the details, it was much more on explaining what the concept of the project is the HAUS brand. They seemed to really like the idea and said that my presentation was very professional. I am glad that I made the slide that explains the concept process fully as I got a very positive response from that.
We were told to write down our feedback so here are things that I noted down;
- Don't get to caught up the in brand concept as it will be overwhelming and focus on the range and the buying process.
- With regards to sourcing of the garments it can be locally within London in some of the warehouses in the east end as the product is not a mass production, ether use these locations or use Europe. (I am glad that my tutor suggested this I think its a great idea and I glad that it can help focus on the UK garment industry and small independent manufacturers working together with big brands to create unique product for the UK market.)
I am very happy with how the presentation was received overall, I feel as well that my statement of intent (SOI) explained the intent of my project well and how it will be presented in a professional proposal report and I hope that this blog will reflect the concept and explain my thought process. Below are the slides from my FMP presentation: